January 29, 2010

What We Ate This Week

Saturday-BBQ on the grill (such a treat in the winter), salad with Rose's Vinaigrette (NR) and crash hot potatoes (NR).
Monday-Paninis with Rose's vinaigrette, salad, raw carrots
Tuesday-Mancotti with homemade marinara (NR), Italian meatloaf (NR), salad

Monday night was one of those unprepared nights, which made me thankful I always have supplies on hand for something quick like soup/salad and paninis. I had country Italian bread in the freezer, deli turkey, several kinds of cheese and a red pepper on hand.

On the manicotti, I found my offset spatula for frosting cakes was the perfect tool to get the filling into the pasta.

This morning I made blueberry bran muffins from my Mad Hungry cookbook. Haven't tried them yet, but I appreciate how the recipe replaces a portion of the white sugar with pure maple syrup.

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