February 2, 2010

Orka Ball, Otherwise Known as YOUR BALL!

I'm not sure how we would survive these cold winter mornings without the Orka Pet Stages ball. Micky LOVES to play fetch. Like, I think he would forgo meals if it meant playing fetch. Like spell the word out because he goes crazy if you say it out loud. I think he dreams about playing fetch. No, I know he does.

The reason it is such a great toy is 1) he can bounce it for himself and run around the house to grab it 2) we can bounce/throw it for him, but with a greater degree of control in comparison to a tennis ball 3) it bounces more accurately than a kong but 4) you can stuff it with food like a kong. And the ridged texture doesn't hurt.

I've not seen them at our local pet store, but you can buy them online. Photo from Amazon.

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