February 25, 2010

Help My Friend Laura Raise $5,000 by May 1!

I have a good friend named Laura. Her dad had cancer. A really icky kind: stage four T-cell lymphoma.

He’s in remission now (and has been for a few years). YAY! Why is he in remission? In part, due to all of the awesome things the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society does for patients and research.

Now she has a big (REALLY BIG) goal. She’s been challenged to raise $5,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by May 1, 2010. As in 64 days from today.

She’s blogging about the challenge here. Laura will be talking about her family’s struggle and her dad’s triumph, plus all the things she’ll be doing and events being planned to help reach the $5,000 goal.

Want to help someone else get a chance to fight a really icky disease? You can donate here.

Could you raise $5,000 in this short amount of time?

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