December 28, 2011

I (Kind of) Hate Pinterest

I waited a good long while before requesting a Pinterest account. I didn't need another time-suckage outlet. Also, I had an excellent system for saving ideas of things I was interested in (BOOOOOOOOOOOO Google and their decision to remove the share/notes function in Reader.)

Since I've been reading all kinds of blogs for quite some time, I wasn't short on inspiration. And when I was, I just buzzed through blogs I read and found new ones to subscribe to.

So anyway, I got a Pinterest account a few weeks ago. And I think it kind of, totally, really sucks. Here's why:

Access-Functionality is spotty between the different access types: web, mobile, app. I don't actually know when something will pin or why I'm suddenly following people's boards just because I clicked on something. Sometimes its just down all together.

Sourcing-The lack of proper sourcing is ridiculous. To share ideas, images, etc. without proper sourcing goes against every journalistic/blogging bone in my body. Credit--->credit due.

Bad Pins-A lot of people have really poor taste. The explore option turns up some real crap. I guess I need to take the time to follow good boards, but hello, I'm already curating the blogs I read in Google.

Why are there so many images of women with hard bodies, weird ways to paint your fingernails and inspiration quotes? Also, the outfit inspirations people like are some of the most boring outfits I've seen. I would never think a person wearing this outfit was stylish. More like completely unimaginative. Oooh, ooh, black and pink. Excuse me, I just fell asleep on my keyboard.

Really, Pinterest isn't so bad and based on usage and reports I've read, its sure to keep growing. I even suggested to my mom that the center she works at create a board since so many teachers use it for ideas. They'll get more money and the useability will increase.

If you never read blogs, I could see how Pinterest fulfills the need for information, ideas and sharing (a bit of a lopsided one, since so many of the images I see are aspirational and further fan the idea that other people's homes, bodies, clothes, family portraits, etc. are better.)

At the end of the day, I just don't have the time and desire to devote to one more home on the internet. I don't need it, though I guess I'll keep my eye on it. That said, this picture is pretty kickass and I was glad I could email it to my parents from Pinterest.


Jillian Frances said...

I agree that there are a lot of terrible photos on Pinterest, and I don't really use it to look at other people's pins. I use it to visually organize things I used to bookmark - like recipes - and instantly forget about. Now, when I want to buy something for someone or cook something for dinner or look for that thing I know I saw somewhere on a blog but can't remember, I just go to my boards for it. It's really helpful that way.

I haven't had any experience with bad service, but I also never use it on my iPhone.

Jillian Frances said...

Oh, I created this board when I started researching your bathroom and keep adding to it.

MsAmanda said...

Allright Jillian, you've helped me rethink my position:) Now I need good boards to follow since 90% of my issues are with the explore function. Except for the inability to login in with my email address sometimes. What is the deal with that?

beartifix said...

I hate Pinterest. I hate that all my friends seem so crazy about it. I can see how it can be useful in certain situations (saving recipes or bathroom remodeling ideas), but in my opinion, it is not the coolest invention since sliced bread. Just like you, I happen to read blogs and am part of Ravelry, a knit and crochet community that is extremely useful (and user-friendly). I'm just glad I'm not the only one who is not buying into all the hype.